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We can register your business for VAT and obtain on-line access to the HM Revenue and Customs system for submission of VAT returns.
Not only do we offer accounting help from qualified, accountants but we are also experts on tax returns, auditing and payroll services.
Tax returns are a confusing and complicated subject, sometimes completing a personal tax return can be done incorrectly leading to fines and time delays.
We are able to assist you with payroll services, with no hidden extras our payroll service is what we quote is what you pay
Scott Roberts Taylor & Co offer a full range of accountancy services throughout Tameside, including:
Call us for an informal discussion about your requirements.
Starting a new business is an exciting event, but also one that can take a toll on your finances. Creating firm foundations based on expert knowledge is essential for your brand new enterprise to take off and grow. At Scott Roberts Taylor & Co we can help you with your business plans, financing, structuring your new company, and accounting administration.
As professional auditors, we can help streamline and enhance your business. An audit does not actually need to be too stressful. We can help you with any questions you might have before the actual audit itself, during it, or after it is done.
We also offer you the use of our office address as the correspondence address for all matters relating to VAT so you do not need to worry about any deadlines or issues connected to your businesses VAT.